We used and still like reading our sign’s daily predictions, right? Let’s be honest and confess, ‘yes we do’, at least some of us.
Even better, we like hearing ” oooh your sign is the most intelligent in the universe”, or “your sign symbolizes beauty” and we think ‘ Yes, that’s is definitely me’.
First of all, it is not called our sign, it is our ‘Sun’ sign because it is where the Mighty Sun is placed in our charts. Like the Sun is in Virgo in my chart, so my Sun sign is Virgo.
Anyway, I don’t want to get into too much jargon and confuse you, yet. This amount of show is enough, at least for the moment😉😉😉
In astrology, they call the planets ‘stars of the performance’. And the signs are how the planets express themselves. When we talk about the ‘houses’, that’s in what part of our lives the planets show their characteristics. In a way, if you hear ‘ My dear Mars is in Libra in your 3rd house’ you may find that the self-assertion of Mars is expressed in a more balanced, diplomatic way in the area of communication. That’s one of many examples.
The important thing is that when we look at the natal chart or any other type of chart such as relationship, we are looking at a unique thing that only belongs to that person. That’s something important to note, since the angles, signs, aspects and every other thing may change depending on the time, place etc.
So, we are all unique whether we are aware of it or not. As humans, we may have strengths or weaknesses. We may be happy how we are or we may want to improve or change things in our lives or who we are. Here, the Astrology’s guidance can be really helpful . If you say that you want to go for it, I will be waiting here for you to take this (your) journey with you among the planets, signs, houses…
Better yet, we like hearing that oooh your sign is the most intelligent in the universe, or your sign symbolizes beauty. Yes, that’s me, that’s me:)))
First of all, it is not our sign, it is our Sun sign because it is where the Mighty Sun is placed on that sign in our charts. Like the Sun is in Virgo in my chart, soooo my Sun sign is Virgo.
Anyway, I don’t want to get into too much jargon, blur the minds, this much show is enough, at least for the moment😉😉😉
In astrology, they call the planets as the stars of the performance. And the signs are how the planets express themselves. Coming to the houses, that’s where, in what part of our lives this expression takes place. In a way, if you hear ‘ My dear Mars is in Libra in your 3rd house’ you may understand that the self-assertion of Mars is expressed in a more balanced, diplomatic way in the area of communication. That’s one possibility of course. Millions of examples can be given.
The important thing is that when we look at the natal chart or any other type of chart such as relationship, we are looking at a unique thing that only belongs to the questioner. That’s something important to know since the angles, signs, aspects everything changes depending on the time, place etc.
So, we are all unique whether we are aware of it or not. As humans, we may have strongnesses or weaknesses. We may be happy how we are or we may want to improve or change things. Here, the Astrology’s guidance can be really helpful and something that can’t be denied. If you say that you want to go for it, I will be waiting here for you to take a journey together with you among the planets, signs, houses…