Saturn stations direct (04/11/2023)
Good evening,
Saturn will station direct in Pisces (0°30’) on 04/11 at 07:03 UK time and the retrograde period that started back on 17/06 will come to an end.
It is worth noting that the planets do not get back to their own pace/speed the moment that the retrograde period finishes. It might take time which means that in astrological terms ‘we can’t expect’ any planet getting out the retrograde to express itself in a usual way right away! Wouldn’t happen…
As you may remember Saturn has started its journey in Pisces on 07/03/2023 which had been a quite change thinking about its previous transit in Aquarius, the sign that it rules traditionally.
Let me quote some parts from the blog I had written that time about Saturn in Pisces:
Saturn with the scythe in his hand…
Authority, limitations, structure, fear, reality, boundaries, organisation, tradition, time are some of the keywords that come to our minds when we talk about Saturn in astrology…
What about Pisces? The sign that is co-ruled by Jupiter and Neptune…(these planets are the dispositors of Saturn in Pisces and are in Taurus and Pisces respectively, both being retrograde currently)
The qualities that come along with Pisces are generally compassionate, sensitive, dreamy, naïve, highly intuitive…
Can you imagine when this authority figure was nicely moving through home (Aquarius, actually before Aquarius also in Capricorn), in the waters that it was familiar with, now needs to go through this unknown, sometimes veiled, a bit emotional and tidal area of Pisces?
Or is it really a challenge?
For a planet that likes the tradition, control, maybe a bit…
It does feel like a reality expressed in an unrealistic way…
Isn’t it sometimes good to infuse some level of sensitive, imaginative expressions in the way that we manage things? Loose the reins? Bringing some flow or adding some intuitive energy to the structures or the reality that we are part of?
Might be…”
And what might have happened when Saturn was retrograde in Pisces? Meaning that it slowed down, couldn’t express itself fully in this compassionate mutable, water sign…
Really what might have happened in these 139 days?
Let’s see what I had written when the Saturn stationed retrograde on 17/06:
“Even though Saturn will move into Aries on 25/05/2025 at 04:37 UK time, during its retrograde period in 2025, on 01/09 at 09:05 it will be going back to Pisces and stay in this sign until 14/02/2026…
…In this period, we might expect slowing down in certain areas of our lives. We may also have to revise the way that we face limits, and also how we might regain discipline in certain areas…
Since it is in Pisces, we may need to reconsider some ambitions set based on our intuitive energy.
Since the start of the Saturn in Pisces period, it is possible that we might have just decided to go with the flow in some of the structures that we have or we might have let loose our understanding of ‘time’ or some limits that we have put might have become blurry.
The retrograde period can be useful in retuning ourselves with ‘real’ life, reorganising certain aspects and reconsidering our boundaries, limits…”
So, how did Saturn retrograde period treat you all?
I will tell you my part of the story. However, please keep in mind that my natal Saturn is in Virgo so…So, I am in the middle of the way between my first Saturn return and upcoming (like in 13-14 years) second Saturn return in which transiting Saturn is opposing my natal Saturn on and off at the moment.
Normally, in a one-to-one session I would look at the full picture of Saturn in the chart to understand this opposition. However, I wouldn’t talk about my own life that much, in detail like that😊))
I feel that I really do have this letting go feeling…Since Saturn in Pisces is transiting in my 7th house, especially during the retrograde period, reality hit about certain interactions in my life…What I could have hesitated to let go in the past, not real fear, but a big hesitation…You know what I threw these social interactions to the very deep points in the sea after a good review period realising that I wouldn’t be sorry about my decisions ‘ever’…
If you have any story, please share in the comments, I will be happy to read them.
So, now after Saturn decides to act as ‘Saturn’ once again in Pisces, what I explained about Saturn in Pisces will hold but with a difference…We will have all the reviews of the retrograde period in our pockets. It will be an extra layer of perspective from that point…
The next retrograde period will start only next year, on 19/06/2024. Until then full Saturn in Pisces experience – wonderful now it will soon contact back and forth my natal Mercury😊))
Having said that, we already know the drill, as Pisces is a mutable sign, if you have placements in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces), during Saturn’s reign in Pisces, these placements might be impacted the most through its journey depending on the degrees and what it might trigger.
And where is Pisces in your charts? Any placements in it? Which house? What area of your lives?
I will not get into the details of mundane astrology even though it is good to keep in mind that our personal lives not being impacted by this transit directly doesn’t mean that our environment is not being impacted…(It is interesting that in the chart of station, Saturn is nearly unaspected. Theoretically it may not be considered but only two minor aspects with the other celestial bodies might still feel like ‘unaspected’…In any case, I am not going to cover the chart at this point.)
Well let’s all enjoy the Saturn direct period😊))
All the best,

Turkce ozeti: Saturn gezegeni (Balik burcu 0°30’) 04/11’de TSI 10:03’te ileri hareket icin istasyon pozisyonuna gececek.
Onceki birkac blogumdan alinti yapacagim hem Saturn’un Balik burcundaki gecis donemi hem de Saturn geri hareketi hakkinda:
“Ey heybetli, elinde tirpaniyla boy gosteren Saturn diyerek baslasam mi?🤔😉
Saturn diyince aklimiza otorite, duzen, zaman, kisitlamalar, korkular, gelenek, gerceklik gibi bircok kelime gelebilir…
Ya Balik burcu?
Sefkatli, duygusal, hassas, naif, hayalperest, 6.hissi oldukca gelismis kisilik ozellikleri onde gelen ozellikler olabilir…
O zaman Saturn ve Balik burcu biraraya gelince ne olabiir?
Gercekligin gercekdisi bir sekilde ifadesi?
Bazen kontrol mekanizmamizi biraz gevsetip, yonetme seklimize, varolan yapilara biraz duygusallik, biraz hayalcilik katmak guzel olmaz mi? Ya da biraz daha akiskanlik getirmek kisitlamalara, ic sesimize kulak vermek?
Tabii ki…
Ancak iplerin ucunu kacirmadan…
Oldukca uzun sureli bir geçiş doneminden bahsediyoruz ve bu baglamda Balik burcunun haritalarinizda hangi evde olduğu, bu gecisin hayatinizin hangi alanında etkisi olacagina dair bilgi verebilir.
Ayni zamanda, Balik burcu degisken bir burç olduğundan dolayı, degisken burçlardaki (İkizler, Başak, Yay ve Balik) yerlesimler bu gecisten en fazla etki gorebilirler…”
“…Geri hareket donemleri genelde gezegenler bekleme durumunda gibi olup, butun potansiyellerini tam anlamiyla hayata geciremeyebilirler.
Ayni zamanda hayatimizin belli alanlarinda Saturn anlaminda yavaslama da hissedilebilecegi gibi, sinirlamalari karsilama tarzimizda degisikilik yapmak ya da cesitili konularda disiplini yeniden ele gecirme cabasi da soz konusu olabilir.
Saturn gezegeni Balik burcunda gerileyecegi icin, sezgisel enerjimize dayanarak belirledigimiz hedeflerimizi gozden gecirmemiz gerekebilir.
Saturn dogru hareketinde eger bazi kaliplarda suyun akisina gore gitmeye karar vermis olabilir veya ‘zaman’ kavrami hakkinda daha esnek davranmaya baslamis olabilir ya da yaptigimiz cesitli sinirlamalar bulaniklasmis olabilir.
Bu baglamda, geri hareket doneminde kendimizi ‘gercek’ hayata yeniden dondurmek, bazi yonlerimizi yeniden organize etmek ya da sinirlarimizi yeniden cizmek durumunda kalabiliriz…”
Geri hareketin basladigi 17/06 ile bittigi 04/11 arasindaki donem sizin icin nasil gecti? Belirttigim konular anlaminda bir deneyiminiz oldu mu Balik burcunun bulundugu ev (yani hayat alani) anlaminda? Herhangi bir hikayeniz varsa, lutfen paylasin, seve seve okurum (Ingilizce bolumde ben kendi payima duseni anlattim).
Soyle bir gercek var ki ileri hareket icin istasyon demek tamam geri hareketin etkileri hemen bitti, tam yol devam anlamina gelmeyecektir. Saturn’un eski hizini kazanip, kendine gelmesi, Balik burcundaki tam ifadesi biraz zaman alabilir.
Tabii ki bu donem su acidan degisik olacak cunku bu seferki ileri harekette, geri hareket doneminde yapilmis olan revizyonlarin ya da yasananlarin etkisi de ileri harekette rol oynayacaktir.
Umarim ileri hareket donemi hepimiz icin hayirli olur.
Saglicakla kalin,