New Moon in Scorpio/ Yeni Ay Akrep burcunda (13/11/2023)
Good evening,
On 13/11/2023 at 9:27 UK time, we will have New Moon in Scorpio which means that Sun in Scorpio (20°43’) and Moon in Scorpio (20°43’) will be hand in hand, they will be in unity.
I will explain some of the technical things before I start with the general meaning of the new moon and how we can interpret this upcoming one.
One interesting thing about the degree of this New Moon is that (Sun and Moon will be tightly opposing Uranus Rx in Taurus 21°04’ in this chart) it is nearly the same degree of Uranus-Jupiter conjunction that will happen on 21/04/2024 (Taurus 21°49’).
And one other intriguing degree is the Mars degree which is Scorpio 22°11’ and on 21/04/2024 Mars will be in Pisces 22°36’. (that’s a nearly exact trine between the Mars placements in two charts).
It feels like there is a piling up energy around 20-22 degrees. I just found it very interesting that I wanted to mention since it is mostly happening around Taurus-Scorpio axis. It might have some level of significance both at individual and mundane levels especially if there are charts that have placements in fixed signs around these degrees.
I like numbers and when I saw the repeating pattern, I couldn’t ‘not’ mention it!
I do look at the family phase with the moon cycles.What is going to be started in this new moon, might either come to a completion or a peak point on 12/05/2025 as there will be a Full Moon in Scorpio (22°12’).
New Moon, as I always mention, might be about fresh starts, new beginnings since the moon is starting a new cycle once again. New seeds might be planted…
Having Sun and Moon conjoining, we can think of our identity and inner expression might be holding hands for the new path. It is as if what we express externally will be agreeing what we are feeling deep inside.
Since we are talking about the fixed, water sign of Scorpio, then we can ask what are the new start and this Sun-Moon agreement?
I think that in the last month, thanks to a lot of planets moving into the sign of Scorpio, I mentioned Scorpio more than once in different ways.
I think that we may decide to open a new page by bringing out what is hidden, putting everything on the table, in a way making sure that all the mist veil is up, no mysteries (maybe some may still stay inside the closet😊)) and making sure that we might express our emotions in the deepest way possible with a lot of intuitive power involved in these expressions.
As I mentioned, since Scorpio is a fixed sign, there might be a resistance for change or for something new although if it is necessary, if it makes sense there won’t be any stubborn act and we might juts move on.
Having said all, we need to look into the interactions of the New Moon actors with the rest of the chart of the moment.
So, there is a stellium in Scorpio with the involvement of Mars meaning that it is conjoining the Sun and Moon while all the three musketeers (may I call them like that? Just felt so😊)) will be opposing the Uranus (Rx) in Taurus in a tight way.
As Mars might bring a lot of courage, drive to the manifestation of this new moon energy (and it is good to keep in mind that it is one of the dispositors of the New Moon in Scorpio since it is the co-ruler of the sign of Scorpio along with Pluto which is in Capricorn at the moment), it might bring more impatience or some level of aggression as well.
Also, the opposition with Uranus might tell us to expect the unexpected although we should definitely take into consideration that Uranus is retrograde, slowed down and not fully expressed in the sign of Taurus.
In this regard, I feel that the level of shocks or surprises might not be that as impactful as during the direct motion.
And since it is opposition, as I always tend to interpret, there might be an option of finding the middle and milder way in this polarity.
There is a semi-square between the stellium and Venus in Libra (Venus is the dispositor of Uranus in Taurus) which might signify a possible level of frustration, strain. A strain that might be felt between expressing ourselves fully in a deep way, with bravery and maybe too much assertiveness and the peaceful values that we might be holding in a certain area of our lives.
There is a nice trine with Neptune which is currently retrograde. Nevertheless, it might be a nice emotional support which is much clear and real compared to the direct motion of Neptune in Pisces.
All this New Moon energy just on my MC/IC axis is the premium for me?!:)))
Which reminds me 19 years back…Metonic cycle😊))Let’s refresh the memories like Sophia in ‘Golden Girls’ (some of you might be too young to remember this character but like the other ladies, she was hilarious) and ask what was happening around 12/11/2004? The sky was different that time but the house / area of life that was impacted in which a new start emerged is the same. (The Full moon of that New moon was on 13/05/2006)
As Scorpio is a fixed sign, if we have any placements in other fixed signs especially In Taurus (Aquarius and Leo can be taken into consideration as well) around the degree mentioned above, it is possible to have the impact of this new moon more in our lives, keeping in mind the houses in which Taurus and Scorpio are to understand the possible affected areas of life.
Well, hopefully this New Moon leads to some good starts which might come along with realistic, structural transformations and deep actions.
Have a lovely New Moon in Scorpio.
All the best,
Herkese iyi akşamlar,
13/11/2023’te TSI 12:27’de Akrep burcunda yeni ay gerceklesecek ki bu Akrep burcunda ilerleyen Güneş ve Ay’in kavusacagi anlamina geliyor. (20°43’)
Ayni zamanda, bu yeni ay doneminde yapilacak yeni baslangiclarin tamamlanmasi ya da zirveye ulasmasinin 12/05/2025 tarihinde gerceklesecek olan Akrep dolunayina (22°12’) denk gelmesi kuvvetle muhtemeldir.
Yeni ay, yeni baslangiclarin, beyaz sayfalarin acilip, taze tohumlarin ekildigi dönemler olabilir.
Bahsettigimiz yeni ayin Akrep burcunda gerceklesmesi soyle bir anlam ifade edebilir: Derinde gizledigimiz, sakli olan ya da gun yuzune cikmamis duygularimizi, kisisel ifadelerimizi su yuzune cikarma zamani gelmis olabilir…Her ne kadar bu ortaya cikarisin ardinda gercekci, yapisal bir donusum ve derin bir enerji olsa da…
Yeni ay haritasında ilginc kavusmalar ve de karsi açılar bulunuyor…Ornek vermek gerekirse Akrep burcundaki Mars Güneş ve Ay ile elele verirken, bu uc silahsorler Boga burcunda geri hareket halinde olan Uranus gezegeni ile karsit aci yapmaktadirlar.
Bu baglamda, bu yeni ay enerjisini cesaret, ileri gitme istegi derinden etkileyebilir ancak ters kose yapip sabirsizliga ya da agresif hareketlerle de tetiklenebilir bir yandan beklenmedik daha hafif kalibrede (Uranus’un geri hareket halinde olmasindan dolayi) sok ya da suprizlerle karsi karsiya gelirken…
Karsitlik durumlarinda daha ilimli, orta yol bulma cabasinda bulunmak olasi kutuplasmayi en aza indirgemede yardimci olabilir.
Akrep burcu sabit bir burc oldugundan dolayi, yeniye baslamada bir duraksama söz konusu olabilecekken, öte yandan taze enerjinin yararlari net olarak gorulebilirse hareket etmek daha kolay olabilir.
Yeni ayin bas kahramanlarinin Akrep burcunda olmasindan dolayı, sabit burçlarda, özellikle Akrep ve Boğa olmak uzere Aslan ve Kova’yi da goz onunde bulundurarak, bahsettigim dereceler civarında yerlesimlerimiz varsa bu yeni ay hayatımızda daha fazla etkili olabilir. Akrep burcunun bulunduğu ev de hangi yasam alaninin bu yeniliklere acik oldugu konusunda fikir verebilir.
Ve simdi gelelim en can alici soruya: 19 yil once, 12/11/2004 tarihi civarında hayatımızda yeni ya da onemli bir sayfa acildi mi? (Bu yeniligin zirve yaptigi ya da tamamlandigi tarihler 13/05/2006 olabilir)
Bu konuda Altin Kizlar dizisindeki Sophia misali hafizalarimizi tazelerken, Akrep burcu yeni ayı yazimi sonlandiriyorum.
Saglicakla kalin,