
Sun in Sagittarius / Güneş Yay burcunda (22/11-22/12/2023)

Good afternoon😊

Today (22/11),  Sun will be moving into the mutable, fire sign Sagittarius ♐️

To be exact (mathematical precision is required by me😉), at 14:03 UK time, Sagittarius ♐️ season will be officially starting.

Normally what I do in the end, this time I will do at the beginning.

I wish everyone with Sun in Sagittarius ♐️ a happy and a healthy Solar return in advance✨️🙏🏻🌺

(A good period to visit a pay to an astrologer like myself to see what kind of possibilites may be ahead of you in the next year)

Good deal, a celebration followed with a small note😉

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter (Btw, I couldn’t record my podcast today but for tomorrow🤞🏻) and I will quote a bit from a blog of mine and then head to the chart of Sun in 0°0′ Sagittarius chart:

“Sagittarius, the archer, the centaur ready to target with the bow and arrow in the hands…

…On the positive side, Sagittarius Sun people may seem very flexible, try to be really fair in the sense that they may try to please everyone and also they may be freedom-loving, adventurous.

On the flip side, flexibility and sense of justice may get them under too much responsibility that they may not be able to carry all this burden. Also, they may be too direct to the point of being ‘blunt’ sometimes. And mostly, due to the fire energy, they may be impatient, too.

(As I always say, these are general traits, does not mean that every person with Sun sign as Sagittarius should reflect these characteristics 100% since our natal charts as a whole might be telling a different story…)

It is true that Jupiter’s visionary, explorative, expansionist and also its exaggerated scale traits are well expressed in Sagittarius that may search the meaning of the world via the travels, adventures or not thinking about the end results before starting a job/work which can be a result of risk taking quality of Jupiter. (both planets and signs, they may have quite a large number of qualities associated with them, so hard to indicate all of them within the limits of a blog)”

Ta taaaa – the chart:

Sun in Sagittarius as we already know.

Moon is in Pisces ♓️ such an emotional, compassionate way of expressing our inner world…At least, that’s how the season will start…

And an Aries rising – a courageous, an assertive, a driven maybe a bit impatient, sometimes aggressive way of approaching life…

(Not getting into the details of dispositors)

In terms of elements, there seems to be a lack of air which might make us think that we might need to make more effort to communicate, express our ideas…Fire and water seem to be more dominant which may indicate that high energy levels accompanied with emotional content might be felt more…
In terms of modality, there seems to be more mutable placements and less fixed placements. This might tell us that there might be room for more flexibility while less tendency to keep things as they are. Adaptation is good but how much, that’s the question.
I will not elaborate more but I like how that Pisces Moon is in harmony with the most of the chart, especially with the Sun…That feels like a nice, emotional energy embracing and welcoming this new season✨️

In order to understand in which areas of life we are going to express ourselves in a more free-spirited, philosophical way or we will be more truth-seekers, we may need to see the house of the transit (where is Sagittarius in our natal charts? Which house? Which area of life in a way?) and its interaction with the rest of the chart. Since Sagittarius is a mutable sign, if we have placements mainly in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces), we might be impacted more with the Sun’s transit in Sagittarius.

Have a good Sagittarius season😊🙏🏻🌺

Turkce ozeti:

Bugun (22/11) TSI 17:03’te Güneş Yay burcunda ilerlemeye başlayacak.
Genelde sonda soyledigimi, bu sefer başta soyleyecegim.
Simdiden, Güneş’i Yay burcunda olan herkese mutlu ve saglikli yeni bir yas diliyorum😊🙏🏻🎉
(Tabii ki onumuzdeki bir sene içinde hayatta neler olabilir, ne gibi olasiliklar var merak ediyorsaniz, bir astrologa da danisabilirsiniz😉 Mesela, mesela ben🙏🏻)
Sonunda bir parantez acip küçük bir not ilistirdigim kutlamalarin ardindan biraz Güneş Yay burcunda genel ozelliklerine bakip, ardindan Yay burcu sezonu baslangic haritasına ufak bir goz atalim.
Jupiter tarafindan yonetilen Yay burcu – Genel anlamda bir yandan ozgurluklerini seven, maceraci kisiler olabilecekleri gibi, ayni zamanda hayatin anlamini her yerde arayan bir felsefik yapiya da sahip olabilirler. Öte yandan, bazen tabir-i caizse sozlerini sakinmadiklari özellikle dogrulari soylemekte ‘dogrucu davut’ kisilikleri de olabilir…
Gayet esnek sekilde de davranabilirler. Tabii ki bunlarin hepsi belli basli genel özellikler, dogum haritasinin tamami farkli bir hikaye soyleyebilir…
Gelelim Güneş 0°0′ Yay burcu haritasina: (Edinburgh merkezli cikarilmis harita uzerinden yaziyorum)
Güneş Yay burcunda…
Haritanin cogu kismiyla guzel bir ahenk yakalamis olan Ay duygusal, sefkatli Balik burcunda.
Hayata yaklasma bicimini simgeleyen yukselen ise cesaret timsali, gayet atilgan, enerjik ama bazen de sabirsiz ve biraz agresif olabilen Koc burcunda.
Hava burclarinda en az yerlesim gorunuyor ki iletisim ve dusunceler anlaminda daha fazla caba gerekebilecegine işaret edebilir…Ates ve su burclarinda yogunlasma ise enerji seviyesinin ve duygusal ifadenin daha fazla olabilecegini gosterebilir.
Modalite acisindan degisken burclardaki yerlesimeler en fazla ve sabit burclardakiler en az…
Bu da esnekligin, farkli durumlara adaptasyonun kolay olabilecegi hakkinda fikir verebilir…Ancak esnekligin derecesini belki iyi ayarlamakta yarar olabilir🌺

Kendimizi hangi hayat alanlarinda daha ozgur bir ruhla, felsefi bir sekilde ifade edecegimizi ya da nasil daha fazla gercegi bulmak icin caba harcayagimizi anlayabilmek icin, Yay burcunun dogum haritalarimizda hangi evde oldugunu yani hayat alanina denk geldigini bilmemiz gerekirken, bu donem icinde Gunes’in haritamizin geri kalaniyla da nasil bir etkilesim icinde olduguna da bakmakta yarar vardir. Yay burcu degisken bir burc oldugundan dolayi, diger degisken burclarda (Ikizler, Basak, Yay ve Balik) yerlesimlerimiz varsa, Gunes’in bu gecis doneminden daha fazla etkilenme durumumuz olabilir.
Harita hakkinda ufak bir aciklama yapmak istedim, daha fazla detaya girmeyecegim.

Herkese iyi bir Yay burcu donemi diliyorum😊🙏🏻🌺