Sun in Aquarius / Pluto back to Aquarius
Good evening,
As Sun will be moving into Aquarius on 20/01 at 14:08 UK time, Pluto will be restarting its journey in Aquarius on 21/01 at 00:57 UK time – the grand opening / entry already happened back in 23/03/2023 (and it will still go back to Capricorn during the retrograde period in 2024 and after 19/11/2024 voila!)
I made a record today and I talked about for half an hour on my podcast. If you like listening to my improvised talks, you are more than welcome to listen to today’s episode on Stars & Cards Chronicles by amethystastrotarot on Spotify.
However, if you are a reader, now let’s see what I am going to write.
I am not going to repeat myself about Pluto in Aquarius so what I am going to do is to leave the link of my blog on my website (that day it was 11 pm and I remember telling my husband ‘Pluto is going into Aquarius, I have to finish this article😊))) so that you may read all my brainstorming about Pluto’s journey both in individual and mundane terms from Capricorn to Aquarius.
Here comes the link:
I am personally more interested in the ingress charts to understand the general energy.
In the Aquarius season start chart, there is a sense of ‘us’ and ‘the others’ rather than our own selves. A focus on the other people, maybe more than necessary which makes me ask maybe we should give time and focus to ourselves?
The rising sign is Cancer – a life approach about nurturing, caring, mothering and about home, our tribe. (Ruling Moon being in Gemini might bring a more rational level to the emotional approach of Cancer)
The Moon is in just Gemini in a nice harmony with the Sun. It is as if our sense of security, our needs which might be about mental stimulation, social exchange are highly enjoying the company of this humane, collective but at the same time extraordinary, unusual and a little bit of detached self-expression. It is all about ideas and communication but for the wider community, maybe even friends, groups we are involved with. It seems like that despite of that attachment to family, home and past, we might find a way forward.
Even though there might be a lack of active energy and we may need to compensate it, there is a sense of practicality, grounding and exchange of ideas appearing as more impactful and dominant.
What about the Pluto re-entering Aquarius chart?
I love the Scorpio rising there as Pluto is one of the co-rulers of the sign of Scorpio. It is deep, it is emotional and it is really empowering. Maybe, finally we can really clean those skeletons in the closet, shed the skin and have this rebirth in a more determined, and maybe in a bit more intensified way.
And Pluto being still conjunct Sun this time in Aquarius (after their recent rendezvous in Capricorn), that’s also powerful. It might go either way but we may achieve to use this energy to rebuild in an unexpected way.
The third house focus ruled by Saturn (in Pisces) might be giving us this endless, without boundaries type of authority when it comes to oral / written communication and also our existence in our nearby surroundings.
I really like all this energy coming with the new season, Pluto re-entering Aquarius.
May the Aquarius season bring many blessings to all of us and happy birthday to everyone who have their Sun shining in the sign of Aquarius.
All the best,
Iyi aksamlar,
20/01 tarihinde TSI 17:08’de Gunes Kova burcunda ilerlemeye baslarken, 21/01 gunu TSI 03:57’de Pluton tekrardan Kova burcunda ilerlemeye baslayacak (buyuk acilis 23/03/2023’te gerceklesmisti ki halen 2024 retro doneminde Oglak burcuna son bir selam caktiktan sonra 19/11 itibariyle tamamen Kova burcunda ilerleyecek.)
Acikcasi ben o donemde uzun uzun yazdim blogumda Pluto Kova burcunda kisisel ve makro anlamda ne gelir, Oglak burcundan gecis nasil olur seklinde. Hafizalarinizi tazelmek isterseniz buraya blogumun linkini birakiyorum:
Ben daha cok bu iki olayla ilgili giris haritalarina bakmak istiyorum baslangic hissiyatini daha iyi kavrayabilmek, ozumseyebilmek icin.
Gunes’in Kova burcu giris haritasinda (haritalari Birlesik Krallik’i baz alarak cikardim) genel izlenim sanki kollektife, baskalarina olan bir egilim var. Sanki kendimizi, kendi benligimizi ikinci plana atmis gibiyiz…Bu anlamda, belki bu dengeyi geri getirmek icin caba sarf etmek gerekebilir.
Yengec burcunun yukselmesi sanki hayata daha anac, sarip sarmalayan, aileyi, gecmisi, yuvayi onemseyen bir sekilde yaklasmayi simgeliyor. (Ote yandan buradaki duygusallikta bir akilci yan da mevcut…)
Gunes ile Ay arasinda cok guzel bir uyum var. Oyle ki zihinsel alisverise, sosyallesmeye olan ihtiyacimizla kendimizi sosyal davalara adamak, daha humanist olmak icin verilen caba arasinda bir denge var gibi…Sonucta, hersey iletisim ve dusuncelerde bitiyor.
Her ne kadar aktif enerji konusunda daha cok calismamiz gerekse de, pratiklik, saglamlik ve akilcilik anlaminda daha cok ilerleme sansi var gibi gozukuyor.
Pluton’un (diva gibi) yeniden Kova burcuna girme haritasi nasil?
Vallahi burada Akrep burcunun yukselmesi cok etkili. Akrep burcu Mars ve Pluton tarafindan yonetilir (modern astrolojiye gore). Bu cok derin, duygusal ve yureklendirci, guclendiren bir bakis acisi. Belki deri degistirip, biraz temizlik yapip yeniden dogusa hazirlanma vakti, daha kararli ve belki de daha yogun bir sekilde.
Pluton’un Gunes ile elele olmasi (cok yakindaki Oglak burcundaki randevu sonrasi) Kova burcunda da cok guclu. Iki yana da cekilebilir ama bu enerjiyi beklenmedik sekilde kendimizi yeniden yaratma konusunda kullanmak da bizim elimizde.
Sahsen, iki olayin da bana gecirdigi enerji cok guzel.
Kova burcu doneminin hepimize iyilikler getirmesini dilerken, Gunes’I Kova burcunda olan herkese de simdiden ‘Iyi ki dogdunuz’ demek istiyorum.
Saglicakla kalin,