
Full Moon in Gemini / Ikizler dolunayı (27/11/2023)

Good evening,

Tomorrow (27/11) at 09:16 UK time, we will have Full Moon in Gemini. Meaning?

Meaning that Moon in Gemini (4°51’) will be opposing the Sun in Sagittarius (4°51’).

According to family phases, this is the Full Moon of the New Moon that happened in Gemini (9°03’) on 30/05/2022.

As they are the start of the new cycle, New Moon phases might symbolises fresh beginnings, new pages or journeys starting.

In case of a New Moon in Gemini, we could think about starting some new phases in life where we may have started caring more about thoughts, communication, mutual exchange, rational steps with lots of curiosity, ‘need to learn and to understand’ being involved…It is important to know which house (area of life) might have been impacted that time depending on where Gemini is in our natal charts with the specific degree mentioned above and if it does make any contacts with other mutable placements around that degree, especially Sagittarius placements along with Virgo and Pisces ones. (when someone tells me mutable, I always go “are you talking to me?”😊))  

Thinking about myself, no idea to be honest, ringing zero bells…I need to think about it more…

If you had a new beginning in that period, please share if you feel so.

I think that ending things to open a new, fresh page could be included in this category as much as a complete new start.

So, what about the Full Moon? What might it symbolise in general? (I write this every single month but what if someone is reading that doesn’t know its significance. In this regard, always good to make a note)

Quoting from a previous blog of mine:

“What is it about the Full Moon?It might be about completion, ending things sometimes in order to be able to open places for other things which might be more helpful in our journey. With New Moon, we start new things, open a fresh page and during the Full Moon we look back, see what served us until this point and decide accordingly what to leave behind and what to continue with.

It is also finding a balance, at least trying to find balance between our emotional world and identity, right?”

The question is that when the Full Moon is on Gemini/Sagittarius axis, what can we expect?Gemini is ruled by Mercury which is at the moment in Sagittarius and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter which is retrograde in Taurus, which make these two planets the dispositors of the Moon and the Sun respectively.

With the Moon in Gemini we might need to look at things from a more rational perspective, we may also find ease in our emotional expression via mutual conversations, brainstorming, being in social environments that might stimulate our minds, and this way we might feel much secure. Even though philosophical way of thinking may be influential on this emotional expression, the rational mind is there, not going anywhere…

With the Sun in Sagittarius, even though we might have a target to hit with the arrow, we might feel more free-spirited, adventurous, maybe not thinking about the end results much…Going in a journey but where are we going, what is the destination point? We are sailing but do we know where we are going to reach, are we at least seeing any piece of land that we could put the anchor down?

Although Gemini and Sagittarius are both exploring in their own terms, Gemini might be doing this in a more calculated way and also may just change the mind not because of the mutability, just because may decide that there is a better way to solve the problem while Sagittarius might be calculating things less since there is this fire energy and to explore at all costs, with maximum adventure involved…

In this regard, if we are reaching the end of a process, completing, reaching a peak point or leaving some things behind and probably continue with some, we might need to find a balance between these two areas of life in which we see Gemini and Sagittarius impact respectively. We can’t be very rational as we can’t be very adventurous…Facts…Middle way is the best…

However, if we had to only balance Gemini and Sagittarius, things could have been easier…But there is a T-square in the sky in which Saturn is the apex planet (which I like calling the charioteer) and trying to manage Moon on one side and Mars-Sun on the other side. (Yes, Mars is hand in hand with Sun against the Gemini Moon)

There might be a level of resistance, may be challenging to get focused, but the adaptation, flexibility of mutable signs might be used as a force rather than treating them as hurdles…

Are the loose boundaries good enough to keep the balance between our rational needs and the free-spirited identity and the warrior inside…Seems a bit challenging…

Loose boundaries…Who might be also a more compassionate, emotional authority figure that might make things milder, less harsh and still might provide the order…

What about the tight square between Mercury and Neptune (Rx) that will perfect right after the Full Moon? Telling the truth may be clashing with our ideals, intuitive dreams which are under review and without veil at the moment…But sometimes this kind of conflict may open the way for more productive results if we are leaning to find a resolution…

A bit chaotic sky but if we continue our way with the balance I mentioned before, we may always create order out of the chaos putting a bit of effort maybe more than normal times…

Just to reiterate, if you have natal placements especially in Gemini and Sagittarius in the above-mentioned degrees (Virgo and Pisces might be included), this Full Moon might have a greater impact in certain areas of our lives.

I didn’t forget, metonic cycle…19 years ago, November 2004 Full Moon, what was happening in your lives? Anything particular? Please let’s refresh our minds.

Have a lovely Full Moon.

All the best,


Turkce ozeti: Bu satirlari yazarken, Ay halen Boga burcunda, ancak gokyuzundeki hicbir gezegenle baglantida olmadigi icin ‘boslukta’.

Ay’in boslukta olmasi konusunda gecmiste yazmistim ancak bir podcast bolumu yapabilirim.

Yarin (27/11) Ay Ikizler burcunda ilerlemeye baslayacak ve ayni gun TSI 12:16’da Ikizler burcundaki Ay (4°51’) gokyuzunde tam karsisinda olan Yay burcundaki Gunes’e (4°51’) el salliyor olacak ve boylelikle Ikizler burcu dolunayina sahit olacagiz.

Bu noktada, daha dolunay aciklamasina tam giris yapmadan, bir parantez acayim. Soz konusu bu Ikizler burcu dolunayi, 30/05/2022 tarihinde gerceklesmis olan Ikizler burcu yeni ayi (9°03’) ile dogrudan iliskili olabilir. Bu baglamda, o tarihte mantigimizin, akilciligin, iletisimin ve fikirlerimizin on planda oldugu bir projeye baslamis ya da beyaz bir sayfa acmaya karar vermissek, bu dolunay o olayin en zirveye ulastigi ya da tamamlandigi bir donem olabilir. Bunu da aklimizin bir kenarina not edelim lutfen.

Ilgili postlarda, her zaman dolunayin genel aciklamasini yaptigim icin, bugun eski bir blogumdan ufak bir alinti yapacagim:

“Peki dolunay ne demek?

Genel anlamda birseylerin bitmesi olabilecegi gibi belli bir noktaya geldigimizde arkaya bakip bize ne yaramis ne yaramamisin muhasebesini yapip yola nasil devam edecegimize de karar vermek de olabilir.Ayni zamanda, ic, duygu dunyamiz ile kisiligimiz arasinda dengeyi kurmaya calismak da olabilir…”

Ikizler burcundaki Ay his dunyamizda mantikli dusunmeye daha fazla ihtiyacimiz oldugu ve fikir teatisinde bulunmanin, sosyallesmenin, arastirmanin, iletisimde bulunmanin bize daha fazla guven verdigi duygu durumuna isaret edebilir. Diyalog, beyin firtinalari, sosyal etkilesimler onem tasiyabilir.

Yay burcundaki Gunes ise daha fazla maceraci, gercegi ve hayatin anlamini bulma konusunda hevesli, bir yandan da sonunu dusunmeden atildigimiz maceralarla butunlesmis bir kisisel ifade de olabilir…Felsefi acidan yaklasim, ozgur ruhlu bir kimlik de Gunes’in Yay burcundaki sembolizmene isaret edebilir…

Acikcasi, Merkur tarafindan yonetilen Ikizler burcunda daha herseyi hesaplayip, mantiksal bir yol izleyen tarzda bir ifade varken, Yay burcunda hedefi vurmak istegi olsa da gemiye atladiginda acaba kara gorunur mu gorunmez mi hesabi her zaman olmayabilir…

Bu baglamda, yaklasmakta olan Ikizler burcu dolunayi ise bir nevi Ikizler-Yay karsitliginda bir denge kurma cabasi olarak da algilanabilir, ne cok ‘mantikli’ ne cok ‘maceraci’ , bu ikisinin ortasinda bir yerden bahsediyorum…

Eger, bahsi gecen derecelerde ozellikle Ikizler ve Yay burclarinda yerlesimlerimiz varsa (Basak ve Balik burclari da buna eklenebilir) soz konusu dolunayin etkisi daha fazla hissedilebiilir. Bu burclarin dogum haritalarimizda bulundaklari evler de hangi yasam alanimizin etki altinda olacagina isaret edebilir.

Dolunay haritasinda cok da kolay olmayan dengeler de soz konusu…Ancak bunlarin ozetini soyle verebilirim, bazen kaos ortamlari ya da celiskilerin yasandigi durumlar, en fazla uretken olunan durumlara yol acabilir, yeniden duzenin kurulmasini saglayabilir…

Bu noktada, toparlamadan onemli bir bilgi vermenin yerinde olacagina inaniyorum: Astrolojik yorumlar yaparken bircok degisik faktor var bu yorumlari destekleyen…Hepimizin de haritalari farkli ozellikler tasiyor…Bu anlamda, yapilan genel yorumlarin 100% bizim ozel hayatlarimiza uygulanabilmesi mumkun degil…Genel bir fikir verebilir ancak hakikaten kendimiz hakkinda, bizim dogum haritamiza ozel bir yoruma ihtiyac duyuyorsak, bir astrologla gorusme yapmanin dogru olacagi gorusundeyim.

Hemen hoop Ikizler dolunayina geri doneyim, son satirlar…

2004 yilinda bu tarihlerde hayatinizda onemli bir olay oldu mu? Siz belleklerinizi tazelerken, ben de size guzel bir Dolunay diliyorum.

Saglicakla kalin,
