Mars in Sagittarius / Mars Yay burcunda (24/11/2023-04/01/2024)
Tomorrow (24/11), Mars, the planet of courage, drive, energy and more, will be moving into the mutable, fire sign of Sagittarius at 10:15 UK time.
Sagittarius is saying “Oh I am getting a lot of visits nowadays, maybe let’s take it easy, set me free mates so that I can travel!” (can you imagine a sign having a monologue like that?:)))
Mars has been in the sign of Scorpio since 12/10 and from tomorrow until 04/01/2024 it will be visiting Sagittarius.So, we are talking about a shift from a deep, emotional energy to a more active, free-spirited energy.
As I mentioned in the Sun in Sagittarius, we might think of getting out of the depth of the oceans to explore new horizons, but this time for Mars!
There might be a sense of setting free our energy, being more driven and enthusiastic about seeking the meaning in life!
We can even have more courage in taking long hikes to some unknown places since the mood is set for being ‘adventurous’…
Is it possible that some level of aggression or impatience experience when we are trying to hit some target with our bow and arrow in hand? Who knows?
There can be more possibilities as both Mars and Sagittarius may have many more and different symbolisms and qualities respectively.
The dispositor of Mars in Sagittarius is the Jupiter which is retrograde in Taurus at the moment. Jupiter (Rx) in Taurus might be about revising our beliefs or the meaning that we give to certain established values in our life and this might be impactful on the expression of Mars in Sagittarius as well.
In the ingress chart, we have Mars conjunction Sun, not in the heart as in Cazimi but relatively tight orb. Meaning? There might be a unity, agreement between our self-expression and the warrior inside. Heading to the same direction…
There might be some conflict between our energy levels, our drive and how we put boundaries, how we draw limits (Mars square Saturn) while our enthusiasm might be quit in harmony with the level of transformation being experienced if enough effort is put in place (Mars sextile Pluto).

I will not get more into the details of other aspects but this is the general table.
Just a small note, Mars will be the dispositor of the Moon in Aries and that might be a mood of ‘Let’s do this, keep going, keep running!’
To understand the impact of this transit, we need to look in which house Sagittarius is in our natal charts. In this way, we may see which area of life will be in focus. Since Sagittarius is a mutable sign, if we have placements mainly in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces), we might be impacted during this transit.
As I always mention, it is important to see how Mars is acting in our life by looking at the sign and house in which our natal Mars is placed in along with the houses it does rule in our natal chart. Its interaction with the rest of the chart plays a crucial role, too.
I hope that we all do have a good Mars in Sagittarius period.
All the best,
Turkce ozeti: Yarin (24/11) TSI 13:15’te cesaret, enerji timsali Mars gezegeni Yay burcunda ilerlemeye baslayacak ve 04/01/2024 tarihine kadar da bu burcta kalacak.
Yay burcunun misafirlerinde artis var bugunlerde Gunes’ti, Mars’ti derken Yay dermis ki ‘Yeter artik bu misafirler cok oldu, gezecek, tozacak, dunyayi kesfetmeye zaman kalmiyor!’ Boyle bir monolog mumkun degil herhalde, ama dusuncesi ilginc… (en azindan benim icin, ayni fikirde olmayabiliriz😊))
Akrep burcundan Yay burcuna gecis okyanusun derinliklerinden cikip yeni ufuklar kesfetmek icin bir arayisa dogru yol almak olabilir…
Mars Yay burcunda iken nasil bir ifadeden bahsediyor olabiliriz?Hayatin anlamini bulmak konusunda daha hevesli olabilecegimiz gibi, bilmedigimiz yerlere dogru uzun yuruyusler yapip, yeni mekanlar kesfetmek konusunda da daha fazla cesaretimiz ve istegimiz olabilir.
Hedefe tam isabet icin oku yaydan cikarmak konusunda bazen sabirsizligimizda artis ya da daha fazla gerginlik deneyimlememiz mumkun olabilir mi? Kim bilir?
Mars-Yay birlesiminden daha farkli anlamlar da cikabilir ama bunlar aklima gelen bazi olasi ornekler.
Bu gecisi donemini daha iyi anlayabilmek acisindan, Yay burcunun dogum haritalarimizda hangi evde oldugunu yani hayat alanina denk geldigini bilmemiz gerekirken, bu donem icinde Mars’in haritamizin geri kalaniyla da nasil bir etkilesim icinde olduguna da bakmakta yarar vardir. Yay burcu degisken bir burc oldugundan dolayi, diger degisken burclarda (Ikizler, Basak, Yay ve Balik) yerlesimlerimiz varsa, Mars’in bu gecis doneminden daha fazla etkilenme durumumuz olabilir.
Mars’in dogum haritamizdaki yeri (burc ve ev Babinda), hangi evleri yonettigi ve haritanin geri kalaniyla iliskisi onem arz etmektedir.
Hepimiz icin guzel bir gecis donemi olmasini dilerim.
Saglicakla kalin,